Ships Mod v1.7.10-1.0.1 Released!

by Cuchaz

This is mostly a maintenance version that fixes a whole ton of bugs so there aren't a whole lot of new features. However, the fixes are still pretty exciting. The theme of this release is compatibility with various Minecraft environments. These changes should hopefully let Ships Mod play a little nicer with other mods, and other Minecraft launchers.

The biggest updgrade is the new block properties system. This version gives the block properties config file a great big overhaul. Based on lots of player feedback, I've redesigned the system so it's about a million times easier to use. Be sure to read the full details on the dedicated block properties page.

The second biggest upgrade is the new version checking system! Don't worry, Ships Mod won't start phoning home or looking up things on the internet. Ships Mod will try to talk to the amazing Version Checker mod. If you don't have it installed, then nothing actually happens. If you do have it installed, then Version Checker will try to read this file to find the latest version of Ships Mod. If you're out of date, the Version Checker mod will let you know.

If you'd like to be automatically reminded when new versions are available, I highly recommend installing the Version Checker mod.

And finally, here's the download link:

Download Ships Mod v1.7.10-1.0.1

Change log

  • Add version checking by the Version Checker mod!
  • Update to Forge v1291
    • Don't worry, it'll still work with v1230
  • Added new ship block textures by useless_one!
  • Ship block properties are much more user friendly now
    • Server log shows if properties are loaded, and how many
    • added server command to list overridden block properties
    • added server command to query properties for specific blocks
    • see the new command with /ships help blockprops
    • entries now look like: minecraft:planks=1;1;true;true;false
  • Fixed a bug with ship collision that was causing massive lag in mid-to-far lands
  • Restructured GUIs to stop acting like inventory GUIs
    • This keeps inventory related overlays from covering the GUIs
  • Restructured core mod to be more friendly to non-standard Minecraft environments/launchers
  • Switched to dynamically managed entity IDs to improve inter-mod compatibility